Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dont Judge The Glory If You Dont Know The Story!

So it has been a whole month since my last blog post, and I think this is something that needs to be talked about.
So, I was always raised to think that a homeless person begging for money was just them being too lazy to work, and not putting enough effort into it. The older I got the more intense my questioning furthered. The more it went into, "I bet they are just going to use that money for drugs". Then I started to think this past year, well what if God said that every time we asked for something? What if God turned us down, and said," nope, you are going to use that food to get fat, you are going to use that new car to rub it in someone's face, nope you do not need it". 

Who are we as Christians to judge a person begging on the street asking for money, or food? 

Who are we to say who is worthy or not of food and money?

  I am talking about myself here. I am also talking about the humanity of people everywhere! I just now started to realize and understand why people do what they do. I recently started working for a church, they have a program called the Deacon Fund, what this fund does is, helps people with one bill a month. I have heard so many stories over the months working here, that break my heart. I believe that this is God working on me and my heart, I think if we took time and told homeless people and those begging, about Jesus, maybe they wouldn't be struggling as much. 

Maybe it would give them that hope and extra faith to move forward. So, I'll say it again, Dont judge the Glory if you dont know the Story! Lets start talking to these people and understanding where they come from before we judge them.
- Sha-ri

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